Libra 10 - The Urban Workshop

Library 10 skulle være et must see bibliotek, hvis man har interesse i at lave offentlige samlingssteder for ressourcer og services. Midt i bibliotekets hjerte finder I The Urban Workshop, som et et maker space, hvor alle kan komme og realisere deres ideer.

De skriver selv sådan her:
Are you pondering about a great object that unfortunately doesn’t exist – yet? Or do you have an idea how to make something you use every day even better? Or would you perhaps like to design and print your own stickers? Or customize your favourite T-shirt with your own print? At the Urban Workshop everyone can be a designer! Small scale entrepreneurs, hobby enthusiasts and anyone who’s just curious about trying something new with the aid of our competent staff: you’re welcome!
The key elements of the Urban Workshop are equality, creativity and multidimensionality. Ecological issues are also important for us so we are enthusiastic about recycling, upcycling and repairing. The idea is not just to run a factory producing more and more objects and things. We want to enable the of making ideas into prototypes and to make everyone familiar with new technologies. Helsinki City Library wants to offer a place for active citizens to test and try out their ideas. For work and for play and of course for hobbies too. The Urban Workshop is a place for learning and making new things together. The Urban Workshop is an activity planned by the city residents, a pilot project created as a result of participatory budgeting. So by making the most of the Urban Workshop you are also developing the new central library!

Åbningstid hver dag 9-20. Dette besøg er tænkt som jeres egen fordybelse, hvor I skal opleve, hvordan forskellige aktiviteter er mulige på dette spændende bibliotek. Vi arbejder stadig på at få et mere officielt besøg på Libra 10. Hvis det lykkes, vil det selvfølgelig indgå i programmulighederne.

Tid og sted:
Besøg i Library 10 & The Urban Workshop kan vælges i programmet
Mandag 14-17, Tirsdag 14-17, Torsdag 14-17 og Fredag 9-11
Et besøg kan selvfølgelig også indgå i aktiviteten ‘Turist i Helsinki’

Mål: Søge inspiration til arbejdet med åbne værksteder, maker-aktiviteter og indretning af uformelle læringsrum. Mulighed for kontakt vedr. netværkssamarbejde for bibliotekerne

Library 10:

Helsinki University - Innokas Network

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